Eating With Jesus - The Meal with Jesus [Ryan Ashley]

Luke 22:7-30, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17, Jude 1:12,

1 Corinthians 11:28, 1 Corinthians 11:20-22

“The hardest thing about the sacraments is they invite us to look at time in a different way… The term memorial does not mean merely bringing something to mind or remembering. It refers in some way to bringing that past story and divine action of the past into the present such that the present audience becomes part of the story and receives the benefit from such actualization.”

N.T. Wright: The Meal Jesus Gave Us

1. Communion

“The Lords table is about presence. Surely it is about eating, but ultimately, it’s a discipline that shapes a group of people to be present to God’s presence in Christ around a table. Here we have perhaps the single best opportunity to train ourselves to tend to his presence for our lives. If we can recognize his presence at work around the table, we will be able to recognize his work in our lives as well. Without such a discipline, however, we will always be tempted to take God’s work into our own hands instead of recognizing his work, submitting to it, and participating in it. The table trains us to discern Christ’s presences in all the other places we eat during the week.”

David Fitch

2. The Breaking of Bread

3. The Eucharist

4. The Agape Feast

“This table is different. It isn’t where sinners find Christ, but where sons and daughters celebrate being found. Maybe someday instead of solemnly making our way to the tables, we should dance for joy, maybe we should sing every born-again song we know, maybe we should tell our homecoming stories, and laugh like people who no longer fear death. Maybe we should ask if anyone wants seconds, and hold our little cups high to toast lost sinners found, and dead brothers and sisters alive.”

Philipp Yancey

5. The Lord’s Supper

“When we eat and drink we renew our covenant with God. We pledge ourselves to keep the covenant. It is a moment of rededication and recommitment. In the context of the worship experience, we voice our commitment to live worthy of the gospel. We vow to take up our cross, call Jesus Lord and follow him into the world as obedient servants. The supper is the ritual moment when we renew the covenant vow we made in our baptism.”

John Mark Hicks

6. The Mass


Easter Sunday - This Hope Does Not Disappoint [Ryan Ashley]


Eating With Jesus - Celebrating In-Between [Dan Zazvorka]